

Tell us more about yourself! Your name, age, and one fun fact about yourself!
Hi! My name is Sasha! I’m 11 years old, and I love to make movies!

Who or what inspired your love for animals and their welfare?
I’ve grown up around pets. I have a dog called Kimchi and a guinea pig called Raisin, so I really love to care for animals! I know that not all animals have a happy home, so I really want to help those animals find homes!

What inspired you to fundraise for SPCA?
On my 6th birthday, I didn’t want presents. Instead, I wanted to do something different! Something with animals! I looked through different ideas, and in the end, I found the SPCA, and I really wanted to help! But I was too young to volunteer, so I made a video and posted it on (the fundraising platform)! I ended up raising over $400. So that’s how it all started, and I’ve been doing it every year since ! I’ve now raised over $280,000 through the years.

What is the one thing you would want to tell others about caring for all animals?
I think that all animals need to be cared for. After all, why should they be any less than us humans? I think that we can all be change makers for the greater good, if we set our mind to it!