Pawsome Pawty!

Highlights from the Second Annual Pawty at the SPCA

We held our second annual Pawty at the SPCA on 27 May 2023 to celebrate the start of the June holidays!

With the growing number of animal lovers in Singapore and the disheartening spike in cruelty and welfare cases, our aim was to bring children, youths, families and animal lovers together to bond over their love for animals, inculcating kindness and respect for all sentient beings.

We had a blast during the Pawty and can’t thank you enough for joining in! From the little ones to the young at heart, your presence made the Pawty a huge success. The Pawty was not just about celebrating our furry friends, it was a platform to take a collective stand against animal cruelty.

The programme for the day included numerous educational and craft activities for our youth participants to unleash their creativity and deepen their understanding of animal welfare.

One exciting highlight of the event was the drawing competition, and we are delighted to share with you the winning entries.

Participants also got to try a VR simulation of cats falling from height, shock collars and being confined in a small cage. These activities shed light on some of the common welfare issues the SPCA sees. We are heartened to see youths speak up against outdated training methods and advocate for responsible pet ownership after trying out the experiential learning exhibits.

Of course, no pawty is complete without our furry little ones! Participants got to meet some of our dogs up close and visit our adoption shelter, where they met many of our animals up for adoption and learnt more about SPCA’s work.

If you missed out on the pawty, fret not as you can catch some highlights here –

Watch Today’s reporter, Gladys Wee try out all of our experiential exhibits on your behalf here – 

Pssst, our Pawty is an annual event and will be back in May 2024! Be sure to stay updated through our newsletters and social media platforms for more information.

Special thanks to our partners, vendors and volunteers for making this event a great success!