Don’t let them take the fall for you. Cats do not have nine lives!

Don’t let them take the fall for you. Cats do not have nine lives!

Did you know that cats (and other animals) get hurt when they fall from height? It is called High Rise Syndrome (HRS) and happens by accident when they slip or get startled.

It also occurs more often than you would imagine! The SPCA sees 6 to 8 cases of cats falling from height each week and these are just cases that were reported to us.The actual number of cats falling from height may be much higher. These falls can cause serious injuries like broken bones and jaws, and some of them do not survive the injury.

Can you imagine how scary it would be for a cat being stuck on the ledge? They do not choose to jump from heights; it is accidental!

The good news is we can prevent HRS with a few easy steps! You can protect your cat by meshing your windows and balconies.

What is meshing?

The mesh acts as a protective barrier that stops cats from falling out. Meshing is important even if you live on the second floor as falling from just the second floor can cause just as serious injuries or even death.

Let’s make sure our cats stay safe indoors by using mesh on our windows. Remember, it is up to us to keep our furry pals safe!

Let’s Mesh up, and save lives!