2023, A Bad Year for Animals?

Last year wasn’t great for our furry friends. There was a sharp increase in reports of animal cruelty and neglect – the highest in 11 years! That is a staggering 915 cases investigated!

The SPCA attended to both abuse and cruelty cases, and welfare and neglect cases. But what’s the difference, you might wonder?

Abuse and cruelty refer to intentional harm, pain, suffering, or even death caused to animals. On the other hand, welfare and neglect occur when basic needs aren’t met, leading to poor living conditions and animal suffering.

Let’s look at some of the cases we’ve seen and what we can do to prevent them.

Increase in Pet Abandonment

Meet Kai! He is a 14-year-old Japanese Spitz found abandoned in a carpark.

Unfortunately, Kai isn’t alone. Just like him, there were 287 other animals rescued by the SPCA because their pet guardians abandoned them. 50% of the abandoned pets were small animals such as hamsters and rabbits. If they had not been rescued, they would not have been able to survive when abandoned.

Having a pet companion can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities! Remember, a pet is a lifelong commitment, and it is very important to think carefully before taking on this responsibility. 

Welfare & Neglect

Did you know that many animals face serious challenges that often go unnoticed? Let’s take a closer look at the unseen struggles animals endure when they’re neglected or not cared for properly. 

In 2023 alone, we attended to 558 welfare and neglect cases of animals in need.

High Rise Syndrome

Did you know that at the SPCA, we receive an average of 4 to 6 calls about cats who have fallen from heights? These accidents happen when pets fall from windows or balconies simply because there are no proper safety measures like gates or mesh in the home.

Read our article to find out how you can prevent this: Don’t Let Them Take the Fall for You: Cats Do Not Have Nine Lives

Taking Action:

Report Abuse:
If you see animal abuse or neglect, be a hero and report it immediately to our hotline at 6287 5355 ext 9 or online at www.spca.org.sg/report. Your action could save a life! Remember, every voice matters in standing up for animals.

Educate and Advocate:
Be a voice for the voiceless by being a responsible pet owner and educating your friends and family about the importance of animal welfare. Together, we can create a community that cares for all creatures, big and small!

Help an Animal Shelter Through Support:
You can make a difference by supporting an animal shelter through volunteering, donating supplies, or fundraising. Every act of kindness helps provide comfort and care to animals in need. Let’s lend a paw and make a positive impact together! 🐾

MARCH 2024