Love is Ageless

Love is Ageless

SPCA Singapore is proud to have embarked on a two-month long campaign with collaborator Hill’s Pet Nutrition Singapore, which ran from September to October 2014.

Fittingly named “Love is Ageless”, this campaign was aimed at promoting an appreciation as well as deeper understanding of senior pet/companion animals and of the timelessness of the love, joy and meaning that senior animals can give to (and be given by) their owners, or pet parents.

It also endeavoured to bridge the current gap in knowledge of pet care and health issues relating to the older animals, by providing specific senior healthcare tips to both present and potential adopters of senior pets.

Above all, we aimed to raise the profile of the senior shelter animals (typically aged seven years and older) by spotlighting a number of them over the course of the campaign.

One of the highlights was a regular feature, “Loving Stories, Loving Pets”, which invited pet parents of senior pets to declare their love for, and devotion to, the latter, and single out their cutesy, quirky characteristics or memorable moments in a ‘Note to One’s Beloved Pet’ statement to be shared over Facebook.

We are encouraged by the enthusiastic response, which saw adoptive parents come out in droves to express their commitment and dedication to their senior companions.

Lending a hand, and paw, too to this campaign were our media personalities Romeo Tan and Flapper Choo, the Superstar Canine.

This campaign has been primarily executed on the Facebook pages of SPCA Singapore and Hill’s Ideal Balance.

We thank our collaborator and kind prize sponsor Hill’s Pet Nutrition Singapore, as well as online (including Facebook) fans, supporters and followers, and not forgetting the many participants who lapped up this campaign.

Thanks to one and all who joined us in the affirmation that “Love is Ageless”, particularly that for, and from, senior animals! Old is gold, after all, and age is but a number! We hope that the nationwide endorsement of senior animals can only get stronger from this campaign onwards.

Keen on joining the ever-growing numbers of adoptive families opening their homes, and hearts, to senior animals?

Look no further than these loving, highly adoptable senior animals hoping for a second chance from you.