Importance of Sterilisation

Importance of Sterilisation

What is sterilisation?

It is an operation carried out on an animal’s reproductive organs to prevent it from producing offspring; the procedure is performed under general anaesthetic, so the animal feels no pain. There may be slight discomfort for one or two days afterward, but it is soon over, and your pet’s chances of a healthy life are enhanced. This also reduces the number of unwanted animals that often get abandoned on the streets or at animal shelters.

Better Health

Unsterilised cats and dogs often suffer from cancer of the reproductive organs, testicular tumours, ovarian tumours and chronic uterine infections such as pyometra and metritis. Sterilised animals have reduced chances of getting these ailments. Its weight will not be affected

Another problem faced by unsterilised animals is frustration caused by the compulsion to breed. The scent of a female on heat can drive a normally contented canine or feline berserk, and the urge to roam the streets in search of a mate starts with a chain of other potential problems – fighting with other animals, getting hit by cars or catching contagious diseases. Frustration does not help your pet’s mental health.

Better Behaviour at Home

A sterilised animal is more relaxed. Dogs retain their guard dog instinct after this operation. A sterilised tomcat will usually abstain from spraying foul-smelling urine, fighting and caterwauling, while male dogs will have a reduced urge to mount people’s legs.

Why Sterilise Your Pet?

  • Control dog and cat overpopulation
  • Reduce the number of domestic animals abandoned or euthanased
  • Improve the health of your pet
  • Protect the health and safety of others by reducing the threat of rabies, bites and traffic accidents caused by community animals

Benefits of Sterilising Females

  • Eliminates the heat cycle (estrus) and stops bloody discharges
  • Ends crying, nervous pacing and frantic attempts to get outside
  • Ends unwelcome visits by suitors
  • Reduces or eliminates the risk of mammary tumours
  • Eliminates the dangers of mastitis (inflammation of the breast), ovarian cysts, miscarriage and complications of delivery
  • Removes discomfort, distress and distraction
  • Increases life expectancy

Benefits of Sterilising Males

  • Stops the mating drive and reduces urge to roam
  • Reduces mounting of furniture and people’s legs (in dogs)
  • Stops a cat from spraying to mark territory
  • Lowers the risk of male genital problems and prostate diseases
  • Removes discomfort, distress and distraction
  • Increases life expectancy