

Name: Hazel
Gender: Female
Breed: Cross-Breed
Colour: Black Tan
Age: 8 years 9 months (as of Feb 2024)

Not HDB Approved

Hazel says:

I was adopted as a puppy from SPCA. Unfortunately, my owner passed away when I was seven years old. His family returned me to SPCA as they could not look after me. A year later (May 2023), I went to my fosterer’s house.

Previous fosterer says: 

Hazel is a quiet dog who seldom barks. She will watch me prepare meals in the kitchen or lie down peacefully when I am watching TV or having meals.  In the mornings, she waits outside the bedroom door and greets me when I step out. When I go out of the house, she will wait patiently for my return at the main door and greet me enthusiastically when I return home (as captured by CCTV). She does not suffer from separation anxiety.

Hazel is a good indoor dog and does not dirty the house or chew on furniture. When she is bored, she entertains herself by playing with towels or old T-shirts but will destroy chew toys in minutes.

She looks forward to her walks in the mornings and evenings and will verbalize her pleasure with an “Arooooo……”.  She prefers a short walk around the estate or nearby park to relieve herself and then return home. No long sniffaris for her.

Hazel is wary of strangers, other dogs, loud sounds and unfamiliar surroundings.  During thunderstorms, her safe place is under the dining table. She will need training to cope with her anxieties.

Given time, Hazel will be a loving and devoted companion to singles, couples or families with older children.


🐾 Adoption by appointment only. Make an appointment at


Please note that we strongly recommend adopters to engage trainers who advocate and practice non-aversive training methods.