

Name: Gnocchi
Gender: Male
Breed: Cross-Breed
Colour: White black
Age: 1 year 2 months (as of Feb 2024)

HDB Approved (Under PROJECT ADORE) – Please note that having window grilles is a mandatory requirement for PROJECT ADORE.

The hooman says:

Gnocchi and his two siblings, were brought to the shelter as part of the TNRM program. Adjusting to the shelter environment and human care was initially intimidating for them as they were used to roaming freely. With consistent care, training, and socialization, Gnocchi has gradually become more comfortable with his caregivers.

His favorite parts of the day are playing with his doggy friends in the backyard and at mealtimes. Gnocchi has shown great improvement in his leash training and is able to go out for walks now. He is still afraid of being approached or touched by humans. To help him get comfortable, his meals were previously hand-fed to associate human hands with a positive experience and to build a bond with his caregivers.

As a shy pup, he requires time and space to feel comfortable around people. Everyday objects that we take for granted, such as cars, bicycles, and elevators, may scare her. Despite this, the process is highly rewarding as you can witness him growing braver everyday when you spend a substantial amount of time and effort to work with him.

When working with shy dogs, it is crucial to understand that progress may not always be linear and should be taken in small steps. For instance, while Gnocchi may feel at ease taking food from your hand today, but he may withdraw from you the next day even if you offer him the same food. It’s important to be patient and accept that progress can be slow, and setbacks are normal. Consistency in socializing and training is important and very crucial to his growth.

Gnocchi is is best suited for a quiet household, with experienced owners who are willing to engage force-free trainers to work with him. It would be helpful if there is another dog friend at home too! 

Please note that we strongly recommend adopters to engage trainers who advocate and practice non-aversive training methods.

🐾 Please email [email protected], subject title “Adopt Gnocchi” to set an appointment to meet Gnocchi!