

Name: Churro
Gender: Female
Breed: X- Siamese
Colour: Sealpoint
Age: 1 year 9 months old (as of Nov 2023)

To ensure their safety and welfare, interested parties are required to fully mesh all their windows and gate (full height) to prevent the likelihood of “high rise syndrome”. This happens when cats get gravely injured or lose their lives after a fall from height.

Videos/Photos of all the meshing or measurements of grilles have to be provided for verification before adoption can be finalized. Please refer to this article for meshing recommendations –

Churro says:

Hello there! I’ve been in the SPCA for sometime due to my medical condition, the hoomans said that i have Post Chronic Injury Scarring on my anus which have caused me not to have an opening for faeces to past through. A corrective procedure was conducted to solve the issue. The post surgical effects are: Long term lactulose (for faeces to be able to pass through the anus and regular cleaning of anal area.

🐾 Adoption by appointment only. Make an appointment at