

Name: Cliff
Gender: Male
Breed: Cross-Breed
Color: Brown
Age: 10 years 5 months (as of Feb 2024)

Not HDB Approved

Cliff is a sweet and affectionate dog who loves nothing more than to spend his time with you. His hobbies include sniffing everything he sees, marking places he has been and tasting the fresh morning grass during his walks. Once he gets to know you well, he will love to rub his nose against your legs to show how much he loves you. He is curious about the real world because growing up in a shelter, he doesn’t get much social and outside world experience. Therefore, he needs someone to expose him to different situations, to make him feel comfortable in handling what the world has to offer. He conquered climbing down the stairs during his foster period which he initially feared which shows his ability to improve over time with patience.

He has no problems using a lift so he can live in an apartment. He does not chew furniture and cables and is quite chill when left alone. He does not exhibit too much separation anxiety but there is a bit of pacing at times when he is not entirely comfortable.

Cliff gets very excited when seeing other dogs or fast moving objects approaching him or certain people he doesn’t like. As a result, he may lunge selectively during walks so will needs a firm hand to control him if necessary.

He is rather strong and likes to walk so will benefit from an active family to live with. He is not fussy with food and happily eats kibbles but need to introduce to new types of foods slowly.

He may not be suitable for families with young children. He will do well with experienced owners who are patient and are willing to continue his training using humane, force-free, and positive reinforcement methods.

? If you are interested in adopting Cliff, please email [email protected] with ‘Adopt Cliff’ as the email subject.