There’s No Better Friend. Adopt a Dog

There’s No Better Friend. Adopt a Dog

In mid-May to mid-June 2009, SPCA launched a series of adoption ads at bus shelters and on ZoCards. The objective was to promote the adoption of dogs while emphasising their companionable nature.

The ads also appeared on 8-Days, I-S Magazines, TODAY, The New Paper and The Sunday Times. SPCA thanks Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore for creating the ads pro bono and Alan Myles for the photography, which was shot in Australia.

Our advertisement shared top prize with Singtel for best ads in May in Today newspaper. The campaign also won two silver awards at the SPH Ink Awards held in August.


Saatchi & Saatchi, Singapore

Exec Creative Director

Richard Copping Copywriter: Andrew Petch/Andy Greenaway

Art Director

Richard Copping/Eddie Wong/Ronojoy Ghosh