

Date: 14 May 2024
Animal Type: Cat
Animal Name: Robin
Gender: Male
Colour: Black with white patch on chest
Breed: Unspecified
Age: >10 years old
Training: Nil
Microchip: Yes
Sterilisation: Yes
Medical History: FIV+, FeLV-
Personality: Robin likes to eat wet food and he is a sweet and gentle boy who loves to be patted. He can be very vocal when you approach with food and he loves to bunt as well. Robin is a stray cat living in an unsafe environment with alleged cat abuser in the neighbourhood. Robin always looks more worn out than other stray cats in the neighbourhood when he has a gentle and chill personality. This sweet and gentle boy really deserves a better environment to live in.
Contact: Sheena, 96462975, [email protected]

Gender: Male
Breed: Unspecified
Colour: Black with white patch on chest
Age: >10 years old